The darkest nights of Florida

Sunset in the Kissimmee Prairie, Florida - Photo: Still Gravity.
All is golden before the darkest nights - License our images here.        

Where do you get the darkest nigh in the state of Florida? 

In the Kissimmee Prairie, a place far away from the lights of towns and cities. Even the lights of the state park where we camped are tinted red to avoid spoiling the stargazers. They also have a few campsites in the prairie named astronomy pads. Lights are forbidden there - the campground is covered by the trees of a hammock, not a good place to see the stars. 

Deer near the campground of Kissimmee Prairie State Park, Florida - Photo: Still Gravity.
The sunset also brings wildlife close to the campground. 

Every night we got noisy coyotes roaming the prairie. We took a short walk through the Military Trail under the full moon. Impressive views. It felt like walking in an African prairie, but without lions. 

We also hiked a section of the Florida Trail and took on the 15-mile Military Trail to the Kissimmee River. A lonely wild pig crossed our path in this trail, and we photographed a flying caracara

There are some big alligators in this prairie and by the river. Check a couple of our photos in this post - images 3 and 8. 

More photos of the prairie and amazing wildlife in this video montage

Rising moon over the Kissimmee Prairie, Florida - Photo: Still Gravity.
Rising moon over the Kissimmee Prairie.


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