Alligator encounters in photos

Big alligator in Big Cypress National Preserve.
The monster alligator - License our images here.

We've encountered many wild alligators hiking in Florida. The biggest one? Probably the animal of the previous photo. 

The meeting happened in the area of the Bear Island campground in Big Cypress National Preserve. The gator swan under a line of trees and came towards us. It showed not fear and got close to the shores. We experienced the uneasy feeling of a prey. 

A clap with the hands made it stop. The alligator sank a little and we walked away saying see you later, alligator.

Two photos of the big alligator of Big Cypress - Photos: Still Gravity.
Two more shots of the large beast of the Big Cypress National Preserve. 

A hike to the end of the Military Trail in the Kissimmee Prairie Preserve put us in touch with big gators everywhere. 

Alligators sun basking on the shores of the Kissimmee River - Photo: Still Gravity.
Alligators sun basking on the shores of the Kissimmee River. 

And what about this lazy fatty resting on the banks of a big pond in Dinner Island Ranch Wildlife Management Area?  

Big alligator in Dinner Island Ranch Wildlife Management Area - Photo: Still Gravity.
Another huge gator.         

Sometimes there are some in the canal that borders the scenic Loop Road.  

Alligator in Loop Road, Big Cypress National Preserve - Photo: Still Gravity.
It didn't move even if we crossed close by. 

But sometimes, we see the little ones with their cool yellow bands. Keep an eye on the nearby mom.   
Babies in the Corkscrew Swamp - Photos: Still Gravity.
Babies in the Corkscrew Swamp.

A group of baby gators is called a pod. The ambient temperature at birth defines their sex - warm times mean more boys. They are six to eight inches long at birth and later grow a foot per year. 

The yellow on their skin is for camouflage in the grass. Growing up, it becomes black. Biologists believe that 80% of newborns die attacked by predators. 

Little gator in Shark Valley - Photo: Still Gravity.
Little gator in Shark Valley. 

We have too many photos of alligators. Let's share three more.

Another big one of the Kissimmee Prairie - Photo: Still Gravity.
Another big one of the Kissimmee Prairie. 

Alligator at night in Shark Valley, Everglades National Park - Photo: Still Gravity.
Night in Shark Valley, Everglades National Park.         

Walking by a dead alligator - Photo: Still Gravity.
Walking by a dead alligator.         

In dealing with alligators, always remember the advice of Cordell Hull.

Never insult an alligator until after you have crossed the river.


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