Rio Grande Gorge Bridge

The Rio Grande Gorge Bridge in New Mexico - Photo: Still Gravity.
The Rio Grande Gorge Bridge and the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in New Mexico - License our images here. 

The Rio Grande Gorge Bridge was a few miles north from our campground in the gorge. This is one of the highest steel bridges in the US. A challenging work of engineering finished in 1965, the arched bridge crosses the gorge six hundred feet over the river. 

We arrived at the bridge early in the morning and street vendors were already setting tents and tables in the parking lot for a day of business. A while after, a couple of buses dropped tourists from Santa Fe. The bridge got packed with people.  

Before leaving, we bought a comfy blanket from a Native American lady. But surprise! She was Native American, but not from the US. She was an Indian from Guatemala - impossible to tell apart from the locals. We had a friendly chat and were surprised to learn that she had to travel two hours to reach this place to sell her stuff. Tell me about a hard life. 

Collage of views of Rio Grande Gorge from the steel bridge - Photo: Still Gravity.
The river and the gorge seen from the bridge. 


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