Camping in the Rio Grande Gorge

C hiking La Vista Verde Trail in the Rio Grande Gorge, New Mexico - Photo: Still Gravity..
C hiking in La Vista Verde Trail at the Rio Grande Gorge, New Mexico - License our images here.        

We camped in a small BLM campground at the Taos Junction Bridge. Only four campsites, and there was water, but no electricity. The host was an amicable man from Boston that told us that the camp would close by mid-October. We were among the last campers for the year - check a closer photo of our convenient campsite here

Campground in the Rio Grande Gorge, New Mexico - Photo: Still Gravity.
The Rio Grande and our small campground.

There are trailheads close to the campground and also some people come to fish in the Rio Grande. 

The canyon is pretty and feels wild. 
Collage of our photos of the Rio Grande Gorge canyon, New Mexico - Photos: Still Gravity.
Some of our shots from hikes in the canyon. 

The waters of the Rio Grande were cold and clear. We got some nice views from the highs.     

Collage of images of the Rio Grande River in Northern New Mexico - Photos: Still Gravity.
The Rio Grande through the Gorge. 

We had strong winds that shook hard our pop-up camper. They also made impossible to cook outside during day hours, even if setting up the kitchen inside the shelter. Good that the wind died down with the sunsets. 

Collage of images of the Taos Junction bridge in the Rio Grande Gorge, New Mexico - Photo: Still Gravity.
The Taos Junction bridge over the Rio Grande.

Astronauts from the Apollo Program trained in this canyon in 1971. This landscape looks lunar in some parts. We loved the place. 

Moon rising over the Rio Grande canyon - Photo: Still Gravity.
Moon rising over the edge of the canyon. 

From this camp, we visited the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge some miles to the north. 


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