Reed Bingham State Park

Our campsite in the campground of Reed Bingham State Park.
The campground is in a forested area, but our site didn't has much cover from the sun. 

Overnight stop in southern Georgia. We arrived two hours before the sunset. 

This park is around a lake created by a dam of the Little River - another Little River. There is at least one river with this name in each state we've visited. 

Good clean camp, but the heat... 96 degrees with a feeling of 103. Sum mosquitoes galore at sunset and you get a close picture of Hell. 

A gopher tortoise burrow with its characteristic apron of excavated soil was close to our site. 

The slow moving fella mowed a lot of grass around. I took a bunch of photos of its eating frenzy with the DSLR - images not available yet for the blog.   

This park should be a good place to come in the fall or the winter. 

(Posted from the phone.)


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