Cluster of fungus growing over a tree stump

Kuehneromyces mutabilis fungus in a wet day - Photo: Still Gravity.
I tried to ID this fungus species with Google Lens and returned Kuehneromyces mutabilis

We found this cluster of fungus growing over a palm tree stump. 

They are edible if they really are Kuehneromyces mutabilis. But I wouldn't try them because this species can be easily confused with poisonous mushrooms - especially the deadly Galerina marginata or funeral bell. 

That's why I only take pictures of mushrooms and leave to the experts the picking of the edible ones. 

Fungus growing on the stump of a dead palm tree - Photo: Still Gravity.
This cluster of fungus is growing on the stump of a dead palm tree. They are important for forests in decomposing wood. Good recycling. 


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