Are these blue and white flowers larkspur or delphinium?

After the C accident last year, I bought wildflowers seeds for a garden project. It came out good, and even brought butterflies. 

This summer - surprise - we got unexpected newcomers with blue and white flowers. 

Are these blue flowers larkspur or delphinium? - Photo: Stillgravity.
Larkspur or delphinium? - For photo licensing go here. 

Are these white flowers larkspur or delphinium? - Photo: Stillgravity.
We also got a version with white flowers. 

It has been difficult to identify the new flowers because there are two different species that use "larkspur" as common name. One is Delphinium, the other the Blue Larkspur with its genus Consolida. I also read that the second one is a clade of the first one - meaning a descendent. 

Still not sure. But anyway, the flowers are beautiful - they are also toxic. Don't try them. 


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