The next web after the announcement of Google's AI overviews in search

We all knew that was coming. Google has added AI to its search engine. They called it AI overviews.

For the searcher, it promises to bring a quick answer to the query - means more convenience. For the publisher, it promises a drop in traffic because less people will go to their website pages after getting the answer in the AI summary - means less income. 

AI gets "its knowledge" from the web. And the irony here is that Google's AI overviews will scrap and regurgitate the content written by others in a summary, something that Google always advised publishers not to do without adding "new and helpful information". 
How will the small publishers survive with the potential drop of traffic and income? What will be their incentive to keep posting? Even news media organizations are at risk of falling further down - Publishers horrified at new Google AI feature that could kill what is left of journalism.

Fasten your belts for more changes in the virtual world and get ready for the ripples that come with technological advances.


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