Meeting the world fastest lizard in Key Biscayne, Florida

Black iguanas in Key Biscayne, Florida - Photo: Stillgravity.
Two black spiny-tailed iguanas in Key Biscayne, Florida. The defined black bands indicate that this an adult. This species invaded and conquered the southern parts of the state - License our images here.

39.4 kilometers per hours! - according to the Guinness Book of World Records. This speed can beat the fastest human on record at 37.58. Ctenosaura similis or Black spiny-tailed iguana doesn't look that fast in my photo. 

These iguanas are migrants from Mexico and Central America. In Florida they've claimed terrain up to Tampa Bay. They grow big, reaching up to 1.3 meters - 4 ft 3 in. The adults often have a whitish gray color, like seen in my previous image. 

Black spiny-tailed iguanas are good climbers and like rocky places. They love to wander during the day and are kind of vegans - herbivorous diet. One in a while, they crave for something else and catch a small animal. The youngers tend to eat insects. 

I read that in parts of Central America are called "chicken of the trees" and are farmed for food or as pets. 

Black spiny-tailed iguana basking on a street. Key Biscayne, Florida - Photo: Stillgravity.
Having a blast sun basking under the harsh sun of Florida. I guess this is a juvenile. Confirm it if you are an expert in reptiles. 


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