The Best Things to Do in Every National Park

The title of this article published in Outside is pretentious. 

"Best things" depend of the traveler. What is "best" for me may be bad for you - or at least not "best", just "fine". But I get it, the web is full of "bests" to play the game of the search engines. 

The author tried hard to find the best adventure for each national park through personal experience and that counts. This was her process:

In 2020, I embarked on a quest to visit every single national park in under a year, which took me well outside of my comfort zone, kayaking to glaciers in Alaska’s Kenai Fjords, solo backpacking in the red rocks of Utah’s Canyonlands, and rock climbing on the moss-splotched cliffs of California’s Pinnacles.

New ideas for our list. Read it here


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