Pink shower tree

Recently, I took some photos of a Cassia bakeriana in full bloom. 

The amazing flowers of the pink shower tree or Cassia bakeriana in Florida - Photo: Still Gravity.
Pink shower tree in a park of Florida - License our images here.

This native from Thailand and Myanmar is commonly known as pink shower tree, wishing tree, or dwarf apple blossom tree. The showy tree blooms in spring with amazing pink-purple flowers. 

According to the website of Pha Tad Ke Botanical Gardens in Luang Prabang, Laos,

Its symbolic value this Cassia owes in part to the fact that it is often reinterpreted in Thailand as being a “Kappa tree”, Kalapheuk, a paradise tree in Buddhist mythology which produces everything one could desire.

Let's plant one to get our wishes. 

Wide shot of the pink shower tree - Photo: Still Gravity.
The tree.

The amazing flowers of the pink shower tree - Photo: Still Gravity.
The flowers.

Pink shower tree branches in full bloom - Photo: Still Gravity.
The branches.


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