Less is more. Are you sure?

Many say that "less is more". Is it true? Or "less is less" like "more is more"?

"Less is more" comes from a bunch of people, but the most popular sources are a poet and an architect. Funny that the poet didn't go for economy of words. 

Yet do much less, so much less. Someone says,
(I know his name, no matter)—so much less!
Well, less is more, Lucrezia: I am judged.

         (Robert Browning, "Men and Women".)

The architect? He was a minimalist and bet for less. The man was a fan of simple geometries. 

"Less is more" and "more is more" and "more is less" and "less is less" may be seen as four combinations of probabilities. They may become misleading quantitative contradictions. Weird mumbo jumbo. 

Life is complicated and there are many ways to reach heaven. Be yourself and pick whatever work for you. If you think deep about it, less can become more - example: less work, more free time to do what really matters: living your life.


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