Heating with candles

Beautiful candle flame - Photo: Still Gravity.
Beautiful and dangerous - License our images here

Some say that we can heat a tent with candles. I'm not a fan of this except for a survival situation. A candle means toxic fumes and a potential fire hazard. I wouldn't sleep well. Also, how effective is a candle for heating a space?  

Guess what, someone did the numbers. He put the heating output of a table candle at around 80 watts. To heat a room, he estimated the need of at least 20 candles. Too many. The room will look like a set of Game of Thrones. 

Table candles last 7-9 hours. The smaller tea candles should burn for around 4 hours. For us, the propane heater works wonders - the previous link is affiliate. No need for candles. 


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