Stuck in the Tamiami Trail

Closed Tamiami Trail because a terrible accident - Photo: Still Gravity.
The Tamiami Trail closed for hours - License our images here.

After riding bikes in Shark Valley - the northern entrance of Everglades National Park -, we got stuck in the Tamiami Trail because of a terrible accident. The crash involved three vehicles, one of them a motorhome. People were airlifted to a Miami hospital, and we remained stranded in this remote road for four hours.

Car upside down in an accident in the Tamiami Trail - Photo: Still Gravity.
Serious accident.         

This is the problem with this South Florida route: when something serious happens, there is no escape. It's the only road across this part of the Everglades. 

Killing time, I took this rare photo of a completely empty Tamiami Trail - it always has traffic. 

Tamiami Trail without traffic due to a closure because of an accident - Photo: Still Gravity.
Empty. No traffic in the Tamiami Trail. 


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