Visiting Meteor Crater, Arizona

Shot of Meteor Crater, Arizona, from the rim - Photo: Still Gravity.
The impact happened 50,000 years ago - License our images here.
This was the old Canyon Diablo or Barringer crater in Arizona. Thirty miles east from the city of Flagstaff and over five south from the I-40, this meteor crater is 3,900 feet wide and 500 deep (1,188 and 152 meters). The impacting object was a meteor 159 feet long (~48 meters) made of nickel and iron.
Column created by the meteor impact.
The force of the impact flipped layers of the terrain. 

The old name of Canyon Diablo comes from a ghost town located to the northwest of the crater. This was the place of the Canyon Diablo shootout where John Shaw was killed in 1905 - learn more about the gone town here

The walls of the meteor crater in Arizona - Photo: Still Gravity.
There are guided tours to walk on the rim.  


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