Short story: Planet Circus

In Planet Circus all looks cool, but it's not. There, everybody is born in the lobby of the funhouse. This is the start of their trip, a journey through a labyrinth of reflections and reflections in a search for the exit.

The mirrors' reflections appear in as many shapes as people live in Planet Circus. But there is a problem: images are deceiving. 

Some reflections paint distorted greatness. Others, depressing hopelessness. And let's not talk about the bumps in the hallways. Because mirrors are cold, hard, and heartless. They don't lie like their reflections with their addiction to create mirages from bits of lives.

At the end, every inhabitant of Planet Circus is successful: all reach the exit. There is no escape. But to their surprise, they find that everything ends in the same lobby of the beginning.

Let's call this, the mystery of the mirages of Planet Circus.


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