Sam Houston Jones State Park

Swamp in Sam Houston Jones State Park in Louisiana - Photo: Still Gravity.
Swamp in Sam Houston Jones State Park, Louisiana - License our images here.

This park is close to the city of Lake Charles, Louisiana. It's a swampy place that borders the Calcasieu River. But no mosquitoes, we got cold days in this season. There were not many visitors. We only crossed three hikers on the Riverwalk Trail. Wildlife was scarce. There are some nice homes across the river. 

Calcasieu River and wildlife in Sam Houston Jones State Park, Louisiana - Photos: Still Gravity.
The Calcasieu River and a lone wanderer near the trail. 

The park was named originally after the Virginian born Sam Houston of Texas. Later the name was changed for the Sam Houston Jones of Louisiana - a state governor that lived nearby.

Dark at night, returning from the bathhouse, we met a bobcat having a feast in a garbage can that someone left open. The tactical light froze the animal. After a second, the feline jumped to the ground and crouched alert. Then, speedy escape to the darkness of the forest. I closed the lid of the can. Keep the wildlife wild.


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