Short visit to the Navajo Nation

Small farm in the Navajo Reservation, Arizona - Photo: Still Gravity.
Small farm in the Navajo Nation - License our images here.

Be still and the earth will speak to you.
Navajo proverb. 

Out from the Grand Canyon, we went through the second largest American Indian reservation in the United States. The vast territory covers parts of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. 

We stopped by the city of Window Rock, the Tségháhoodzání of the Navajo. This is their capital. The Indian name means "rock-with-hole-through-it" - check the picture. There is a museum, a zoo, and a botanic garden.

Navajos are famous for their military missions during World War II. They served as "code talkers" because of their complex language. There is a movie about this called Windtalkers

Fort Defiance is some miles north of Window Rock. This town began with a US Army fort built in 1851.

Collage of the St. Michael's Mission in the Navajo Reservation, Arizona - Photo: Still Gravity. .
St. Michael's Mission in the Navajo Reservation. 

In 1898, the Franciscans founded St. Michael’s Mission. This was the first permanent Catholic mission in Navajo territory.

We took many photos during this trip, but most were lost after a memory card failed. 


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