Our portable water tanks for camping

Two images of our water tanks for camping - Photos: Still Gravity.
Our portable water tanks in the truck camper - License our images here.

We left behind fixed water tanks and complex plumbing lines in the truck camper. Portable tanks mean more flexibility and accessibility. We can carry the containers to the source of water without moving the vehicle. Combined with the Water Bandit, a short hose, and a cartridge filter, we are set to get potable water in most places. 

How easy is to clean these containers compared to a fixed tank and not having to winterize the plumbing system are other advantages. Also, it's easy to move the small tanks to any place in the campsite where water is needed. 

We use 5 Reliance Aqua packs for a total of 12.5 gallons of water - roughly 47 liters of water. These compact tanks are stackable, and we add a spigot assembly to the one in use - previous links are affiliates. 

Sometimes, depending on destinations, we also carry a five gallons tank as reserve - the light blue container in the photo. 

Keeping things simple in our camping life. 

(For an idea on the amount of water to carry in a hike go to this post.)


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