Echo Canyon

Rural road through Echo Canyon in Utah - Photo: Still Gravity.
Echo Canyon in Utah - License our images here.

The landscape of Echo Canyon is interesting. Located at the border between Utah and Wyoming, this place has a dose of history. The Pony Express and the Mormon Trail traveled through this canyon in the same way that does the I-80 today - seen in the last photo. 

The name of the canyon comes for the echoes created by the red cliffs. Happened that the emigrants to the West of the 19th century used to shoot their guns to enjoy the sound reflections - we couldn’t try.  

the walls of Echo Canyon in Utah - Photo: Still Gravity.
The irregular formations in the tall walls are good creators of echoes. 

Abner Blackburn, a member of the Mormon Battalion - the only religion-based unit in US military history - and one of the first men to discover gold in Nevada, wrote in 1847 about the echoes in his diary: 

Crosed to Echo Canion, that celebrated place whear every noise makes an echo.

The village of Echo on the western side of the canyon was a stopover of the Mormon Trail.

I-80 through the Echo Canyon in Utah - Photo: Still Gravity.
The I-80 through Echo Canyon. 

This is a beautiful spot of the Wasatch Range - "wasatch" means mountain pass in the Ute language.


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