Why I don’t like cruises

Cruises are weird cocktails of ship, hotel, shopping mall, amusement park, and travel agency. They are comfortable. No doubt about that. Cruises have evolved a lot since the first one was launched in 1900. Prinzessin Victoria Luise was a tiny boat compared to the modern mega ships. Then, why don't I like them?

Here we go with some personal reasons - and I know that they will be awkward for most.
  • Not interested in resting for days like a couch potato. 
  • Not interested in gaining weight with "free" drinks and food. 
  • Not interested in cheap copies of Broadway musicals.
  • Not interested in dining with captains - except if they are called Drake, Cook, or Magallanes. 
  • Not interested in brief stays at a port of call. 
Said that, some places justify taking a cruise because they are hard to reach. 

Next cruise trip… Antarctica!

(We've been in only one cruise, so take my points from the angle of an unexperienced cruiser.)


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