Who wrote the first autobiography?

This is a hard to answer question. Some say that was Ovidio with his Tristia. He wrote the letters during his exile in the times of Augustus.

LITTLE book, you will go without me — and I grudge it not — to the city. Alas that your master is not allowed to go! Go, but go unadorned, as becomes the book of an exile;

For others, the first place goes to Saint Augustine of Hippo with his Confessions. This text was written between 397-400 AD.

Passing hence from infancy, I came to boyhood, or rather it came to me, displacing infancy.

And what about the Spanish world? 

The first one there was Memorias from Leonor López de Córdoba. Written between 1401-1404, this lady was a confidant of Queen Catalina of Castile until vanished from the court.

Sepan, pues, quienes vean este escrito que yo, doña Leonor López de Córdoba, hija de mi señor el maestre don Martín López de Córdoba y de doña Sancha Carrillo, a quien dé Dios gloria y paraíso, juro por este significante de la cruz que yo adoro, que todo lo que está escrito aquí es verdad que lo vi y que me pasó.

Who wrote the first autobiography? 

Maybe we need to look in the ancient petroglyphs. Just a thought. 


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