Traveling through "mundus subterraneous"

There are still some "mundus subterraneous" on this planet - even if social media has destroyed a few through crowding, trash, and bad behaviors. 

And no, I'm not using the words of Athanasius Kircher in a literal sense. I'm not talking here of going for the lost Greater Atria or underwater Zealandia. I mean places around us hidden behind the shadows of popular destinations, quiet grounds out of the spotlight that attract curious people that love the uncertain and the unfamiliar. 

How can someone change Giza for the faraway MeroĆ«? 

Well, there are those travelers. Maybe it comes in the genes. The "mundus subterraneous" are their great attraction. They always hunt for "hidden destinations" and, when they find them, sometimes keep the "secret". 

How long will these "mundus subterraneous" survive in our virtual age? 


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