First night in the Grand Canyon: Impressions before a big scar on the planet

High cliff in the Grand Canyon - Photo: Still Gravity.
The magic lights of the Grand Canyon: a universe of shadows - License our images here.  

The sun was falling when we arrived at the Grand Canyon. First timers, we ran to the rim to see what was all about with this rocky world. 

The immensity of the expanse hit like a punch in the gut. We took three steps back from the cliff gasping for air. The scale of the rocks and the burning tones of the red and the shapes of pyramids and forts and the shadows of the sunset and... Speechless. Just the whistling wind tapping on our ears what a speck we are in the cosmic dance. 
You must come and see it. Photos and words don't make justice. This place is arid and desolated, but at the same time mesmerizing.  

Down in its huge trench, the Colorado River shined. A thin brown snake running in the deepness, trapped in a walled cage of its own making. How did water could carve so deep? 

The river looks peaceful now, but once upon a time flowed full of danger and drama. Those were the times of the Powell Geographic Expedition of 1869. Three explorers climbed the cliffs to escape the fury of the waters and ended killed by an Indian war party. Destiny. 

Giant shadows rubbed the towering walls in the final minutes of daylight. Soon, they reached us, followed by a nasty coldness. Unsettling darkness at the border of the abyss. Time to head back to the campground. 

The Grand Canyon, at our backs, retreating to rest after a busy day of tourism. Take a break, because tomorrow we'll meet face-to-face. 

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