
Showing posts from July, 2022

Agama lizards in South Florida

The colorful agama in a Florida garden - License our images  here . They came from West Africa as pets in the 1970s, probably because of the wild colors of the males. Now, they are everywhere in South Florida. Another invasive species breaking havoc among other lizards.  These lizards have many names:  Agama picticauda , the Peter's rock agama, or African redhead agama. Agama means "lizard".

Jerrycan: The classic gasoline can

Our jerrycan (solid container).            The design is old and well proved. Jerrycans bring peace of mind because gasoline creates fumes in any container and heat may cause an explosion.  Vinzenz Grünvogel invented the jerrycan in 1937 for the army of Nazi Germany. The original name was  Wehrmacht kanister -   "armed forces canister". The "Jerry" came later, it comes from the slang used by the allies for the German soldiers during WW2. The invention was reverse engineered by the United States Army.   The Long Ranger Desert Group used jerrycans - Source: Public Domain, Imperial War Museum. Why jerrycans are good? Because they're strong, stackable, have recessed welded seams for impact protection, and the cap seals tight and has a security pin to prevent vapors leaks.

Three plants from the North American swamps

Three interesting plants of the Everglades that often grow close to each other.  Pickerelweed and Florida Swamp Lily - License our images  here . Two of them are edible, but the third one is poisonous. All grow in muddy soil and their flowers are beautiful.  Broadleaf Arrowhead ( Sagittaria latifolia) Also known as Indian Potato or Wapato, this plant has arrow-shaped leaves and flowers with three white petals and a cluster of yellow in the center.  The advice is to collect them in early spring or the fall. The tuber can be roasted or boiled, made as chips, or mashed. It has a potato-like texture.  More info: Arrowhead Chips Spicy Arrowroot Masala Wapato: All It’s Quacked Up to Be Pickerelweed ( Pontederia cordata ) Another swampy plant that has leaves and violet-blue flowers that grow above the water level. Butterflies and bumblebees love pickerel

The Red Cross and the Switzerland flag

The Swiss flag is a white cross on a red background. The Red Cross symbol is its negative: red cross on a white background. Still, many confuse one with the other.  Old military train in the Gold Coast Railroad Museum of Miami - License our images  here . The First Geneva Convention came out with the design of the Red Cross in 1864. It was a tribute to its founder, the Swiss born Henry Dunant.


Sand ride - License our images  here . Wind on the face. The smell of the Atlantic. The freedom of riding on a deserted beach.