
Showing posts from August, 2021

How not to get killed by your food

Our propane stove in campgrounds - License our images  here . We share the planet with little nasty things called bacteria. And these bacteria have a thing for spoiling and poisoning our food. So, we need to learn to live with them, because as Stewart Brand said, If you don't like bacteria, you're on the wrong planet.        How to keep them at bay while camping?  Easy! We need to keep our food  outside of the "Temperature Danger Zone" (40° - 140°F or 4° - 60°C). Inside this range of temperatures bacteria doubles its numbers in as little as 20 minutes, but under 40°F won't reproduce. Cooked foods are a risk if left at room temperature in warm climates. Always throw away any leftover exposed for over two hours - make this one hour for BBQ leftovers if the temperature is over 90°F.  For pre-cooked food: Reheat over 165°F for at least 15 seconds and serve

Work promotion? Before accepting one, check the "Peter Principle"

We love to be promoted. It means more. More status, more responsibilities, and... hopefully...  more money. But... (Why there is always a "but"?)  Well, a promotion can open the door to the end of a career. Some Peter came out with a "Peter Principle" that warns that you will rise to your level of incompetence.  What does this mean?  That a company can promote you up and up until a position where you will need new skills or special talents to succeed. If you don't get them...  Endgame!  You have reached the "peter's plateau" - or "final placement" - and you can lose your job because of low performance.  Does this mean that I shouldn't look for promotions? No. This only means that that you must know yourself. Life has limits and things that go up sometimes fall down. That's gravity.  We behave as though up is better and more is better, and yet all around us we see the tragic victims of this mindless escalation. Laurence J. Peter, 

C on the trail

Long straight walk - License our images  here . My Viking girl is a natural walker. She is at home in the wilderness. What a luck to find such a match in the whole universe. Happy me.