
Showing posts from July, 2021

EDC for day hikes: What to carry?

Packs for a day hike -  License our images here . EDC means "Every Day Carry". It also means being prepared carrying some essentials and having the knowledge to use them and get out from a dire situation. In the words of General Patton ,  Prepare for the unknown by studying how others in the past have coped with the unforeseeable and the unpredictable. The web has many long lists of EDCs for day hikes. But it's a fact that we can't carry our house with us, and there is no way to cover for every situation. Also, a long EDC list may end like learning a thousand martial arts techniques and mastering none. Be selective in what you carry and fill the gaps with knowledge and training. Use the  Mors Kochanski 's mantra,  The more you know, the less you carry. Or the KISS principle : Keep it simple, stupid! "Essential" is the keyword and "is this essential?" the right question to ask when deciding what to carry. The answers are impacted by the type