
Showing posts from March, 2020

A short story about my favorite question in a job interview

The interviewer, putting the serious face of a powerful VIP, asked the job candidate in a solemn tone:  "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" The candidate remained silent for a while. He remembered his friends that died at young age. He remembered how they died. He remembered how close he was to death.  Finally, he answered with a question: "Where do you see yourself in 100 years?" Epilogue Most job interviews are a mix of dumbness and acting. Well put by Lemony Snicket - Daniel Handler - in  The Carnivorous Carnival of  his  A Series of Unfortunate Events: Besides getting several paper cuts in the same day or receiving the news that someone in your family has betrayed you to your enemies, one of the most unpleasant experiences in life is a job interview. Does anyone feel pleasure in job interviews?

Bad news is good business for the media industry

Most journalists focus on bad news and, therefore, news media comes charged with a high dose of negativity every day. Of course, some reports are important and credible, but there is also a lot of exaggerated stuff, false realities, and half-truths - leave aside personal opinions. News is supercharged with fearmongering. Besides the obvious cases of manipulations, happens that media companies exploit our crave for negative news, an attraction fueled by survival instincts. We need to know about threats. The positive stuff can wait, needs less attention. Like some say in the news business circles, "good news is no news" - the phrase comes from  King James I of England .   In a television interview of the 1990s, a famous journalist painted a black spot on a white paper and asked the interviewer, "What do you see here?" The famous show host rightly answered, "A black dot." "No," the old guy replied. "It's a white page with a small black dot