
Showing posts from May, 2019

Do you want to go RVing?

Do you want to go RVing?  Well, hold aside dreams and fantasies for a minute and read and digest this post. It may save you time, money, and future worries. How do we know? Because we were there once and later "walked the walk" making mistakes throughout our "RVing career" that costed time and money. Let’s start from the beginning. Should we? Our truck camper in Ocala National Forest -  License our images here . WHAT IS RVING? Simple: It's camping in a vehicle converted for that purpose. Those called "Recreational Vehicles", or for short: "RV". The short acronym covers all camping vehicles, from the gigantic motorhomes to the tiny teardrops. Only the camping tents are excluded.   And what about the reasons to go RVing? The question may look silly but looks are deceiving. There are many reasons to go RVing, bu

The Water Bandit: Tool to create a hose thread for any faucet

The Water Bandit attached to a bathroom faucet - License our images  here . Simple and cheap tool to create a hose threat in any faucet. We use a short hose to fill the small portable tanks anywhere and even connect the water filter for safety. The rubber side is attached to the water source and ready to go. The system also works to connect a hose and the filter to those vintage hand pump spigots present in some old campgrounds.  Water Bandit is sold in  Amazon  - the link is affiliate .  The Water Bandit is just a piece of rubber with an attached metal thread. 

Are you a serious or a solemn writer? - Ask Hemingway

A writer who appreciates the seriousness of writing so little that he is anxious to make people see he is formally educated, cultured or well-bred is merely a popinjay. And this too remember; a serious writer is not to be confounded with a solemn writer. A serious writer may be a hawk or a buzzard or even a popinjay, but a solemn writer is always a bloody owl.              (Ernest Hemingway, Death in the Afternoon ) Yes. Solemn writers take themselves too seriously. The path to dullness.  What kind of writer are you?

Images from a trip to the Florida Panhandle

The lonely beaches of St. George Island, Florida -  License our images here .           In 2012, we spent some time wandering around the Florida Panhandle. The first stop was St. George Island State Park with its miles of lonely beaches and the tallest sand dunes in Florida - of course, they are not as big as the ones we found in Colorado or Death Valley .  The campground is in a forest of pines. One day, our neighbors left their campfire unattended and pine needles caught fire. We used fire extinguishers to put the flames out. Those folks learned a lesson.  Two hiking trails depart from the camp, the short one goes to the interior coast, the other ends over tall dunes by the beach. We rode the bikes through the five-mile trail that reaches the eastern tip of the island - and had to dismount in some parts due to sugar-like sand. The trail ends across Dog Island. There were some homes

Does the Pareto principle work?

It worked for me. Thinking in round numbers. 80% of my income comes from 20% of my work.  80% of the fun from 20% of my activities. 80% of my exercising results from 20% of my efforts.  We don't need to go for a 100% success. We only need the right 20%. Focus on what works.