
Showing posts from March, 2019

Forgotten Books: "First Russia, then Tibet" - Another book from Robert Byron

I liked his  The Road to Oxiana and gave a try to this one.  I ended liking more the first one, but this book offers interesting views of the USSR - Communist Russia - in the context of their idealized socioeconomic system.  But beside the Moscow of dreams waited a Moscow not less unique—that of men.  And Byron soon discovered the truth.  So that when you've done away with classes, all you do is to create new ones and make an aristocracy out of a few million factory workers, who rule the country by oppressing, i.e. struggling with the remaining majority. How anything creative, or even interesting, can come from this obsession with class, I fail to see. It's worse than England. "It's worse than England". Communism doesn't work. The leaders become the new rich.  First Russia, then Tibet  is available in Amazon - link is affiliate . 

The harsh poetry of Charles Bukowski: Looking to the dark side of the world

Bukowski was not our common poet. He was different. He was the poet of the ordinary life, of the social dirt, of the irreverence. This man was a rulebreaker - including breaking the "rules of writing".  ah, christ, what a CREW: more poetry, always more P O E T R Y. (Charles Bukowski, "O We Are The Outcasts".) The unadorned texts sometimes offend. But for good or for bad, one senses his sincerity.  He said of humanity in "What Can We Do?". when activated it's best at brutality, selfishness, unjust judgments, murder. About human beings in "The Genius Of The Crowd". there is enough treachery, hatred violence absurdity in the average human being to supply any given army on any given day Sometimes went for advice.  beware the preachers beware the knowers beware those who are always reading books beware those who either detest poverty or are proud of it Or got into generalizations in "Back luck with the girls". good weather is like good w